What do you get when dinosaur cars crash?
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks! |
What do you feed a hungry eskimo?
A brr-grr. |
What is the best season for a trampoline?
Spring-time! |
Knock knock
Who's there? Boo Boo who? Did I just hear a lonely owl? |
Knock knock
Who’s there? Arthur! Arthur who? Arthur any chocolates left for me? What did the duck say to the clown?
You quack me up! |
What did the wizard’s cat say in the mirror?
Don’t you look purrrrrr-fect? What did the baby kitten say to her mom? Furr cryin' out loud. Gimme some milk! |
What stands in New York holds a torch and sneezes a lot?
The Ah-choo of Liberty! |
Why are frogs so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them! |